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Have you decided that this is all too confusing for you to fill out the paperwork you need for your divorce? Would you just like to have the package of papers that you need filled out for you so that all you have to do is get everyone involved to sign the documents, get them notarized and then just take the completed package to the courthouse to file?
I can help you! Provide me with the information in the Client Information Form and I can produce the entire package for you, where the only thing you have to do is to print it out and sign the documents in the right place. (Some forms will need to be notarized) For no additional cost, if you choose, I can send you a set of original documents that show you exactly where to sign.
In an uncontested divorce both the Plaintiff (the person who initiates the divorce) and the Defendant (the person who the complaint is filed against) represent themselves. When a person represents themselves in a legal action it is called acting Pro Se. The process for filing and obtaining a divorce is almost the same for both a couple who has children and those that don’t. The following is the general process for filing a divorce. Where differences occur because the parties have children, they are denoted in the steps.
Decide who is going to be the Plaintiff and who is going to be the Defendant. And begin to complete the Complaint for Divorce document.
Complete the Complaint for Divorce document using the instructions provided with the document. The Plaintiff needs to make sure that they sign the Complaint for divorce at the end of the document.
Complete the Financial Affidavit Form using the instructions provided. The Affiant is the person completing the form. The person completing the form needs to sign the form in front of a notary public.
Complete the Child Support Worksheet if there are children involved. You will need to and include the child support payment amount in the Separation Agreement.
Complete the Separation Agreement using the instructions provided. Both parties need to initial each page of the Separation Agreement and sign the last page of the document in front of a notary public.
Complete the Parenting Plan if there are children involved using the information from the Separation Agreement.
The Plaintiff must complete the Verification form using the instructions and sign it in front of a notary public.
The Plaintiff needs to complete the Acknowledgment of Service form using the instructions provided. The Defendant needs to sign the document in front of a notary public.
If the Defendant does not live in the same state as the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff needs to complete an Acknowledgment of Venue form using the instructions and the Defendant needs to sign the document in front of a notary public.
Complete the Case Filing Form and the Case Completion Form.
Complete the Final Judgment of Divorce Form using the instructions provided with the form.
In Georgia the parties are typically required to attend a Parenting Class for Divorcing Parents. This is usually a four hour class and when completed the certificate is sent to the Clerk of the Court in the County where the divorce is being done.
You will need the following forms for filing an uncontested divorce.
Case Filing Form (Adobe)
Complaint For Divorce (Word)
Verification (Word)
Financial Affidavit (Excel)
Child Support Worksheet**(Excel)
Separation Agreement (Word)
Acknowledgment Of Service (Word)
Parenting Plan** (Word)
Acknowledgment Of Venue* (Word)
Summons (Word)
Report of Divorce (Word)
Final Judgment (Word)
Case Completion Form (Adobe)
In addition, most Superior Courts require the parents to take a parenting course. (Classes can be found generally by contacting the local Superior Court Clerks office)
* Needed only if one person is not living in the State of Georgia
** Needed only if there are minor children in the marriage.
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, e-mails or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. The information on this website is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship.